Monday 2 May 2016

Who acts through Acts

This is a series of my personal reflection around the the question "Who acts through Acts?"

Even though there are many references to theological facts that will contribute to enhance knowledge, it is important to state that the reflections are my contemplation on what these narratives say to me – both to my head and my heart. I have no intentions of pressing my views on anybody, but if they can be seeds that start a process of thinking and searching and create an appetite for more Bible-reading and enhanced spiritual insight, my purpose is reached.

Follow the link to each reflection:

Chapter 1
01 Setting the tone
02 Spiritual arena
03 Passive strategy
04 He drew a line
05 What is important?
06 A dynamic combination
07 A dynamic combination 2
08 Using new insights

Chapter 2
09 One, Two, 12 or 120?
10 Visible sings
11 "Tongues" of fire
12 Identity and language
13 Tongues of fire
14 Speaking in tongues
15 Com-plete
16 Dignified behavior 
17 I do not understand why I understand
18 It cannot be explained - or can it?
19 The Holy Spirit and more sings
20 Prophecies - God calling
21 A prophetic sandwich - the lower 'crust'
22 A prophetic sandwich - the upper 'crust'
23 A prophetic sandwich - the 'filling'
24 Why us food as a metaphor
25 Visions
26 Dreams
27 Liquid substance
28 On the move
29 She's a gift
30 Is the gift for me?
31 What is 'like that'?
32 Reciprocity - the key to release God's presence in the world

Chapter 3
33 What do I have?
34 An open prayer
35 Seize the moment
36 The 'insidious' attention
37 Divine strategy or pure coincidence?

 Chapter 4
38 An honest question
39 What was the motivation
40 We pray for peace, but is it uneasiness we need?
41 Uneasy ... they prayed
42 The prayer that is powerful and effective
43 A holistic prayer-life - for a holistic ministry
44 Signs mere side-effects?
45 The effects of the Holy Spirit on Joseph

Chapter 5
46 To put the Spirit of the Lord to a test
47 Signs and wonders
48 New confirmation
49 A new consciousness
50 An opposition under the influence of the Holy Spirit

Chapter 6
51 The criterions for leadership 
52 A very special man - or? 

Chapter 7
53 Why such anger?
54 To see the unseen - an effect of the Holy Spirit?

Chapter 8
55 Diaconal ministry 
56 Why did he not do it himself?
57 Apostle-focus versus ordinary people 
58 Not for sale
59 More than rhetoric 
60 Ready for new appointment 
61 Why was it so important to send Filip out in the desert?
62 Caught by the Spirit to catch with the Spirit

Chapter 9
63 Behold, he is praying
64 Does God have a bench of substitutes?
65 The long-term consequences of obedience
66 A recipe for growth and strength

Chapter 10
67 Spirit and angel in a common mission
68 Does the Holy Spirit violate my hospitality? 
69 No longer 'these'

Chapter 11
70 Who then am I?
71 Rejoice with those who rejoice
72 The prerequisite for new insight and growth
73 The obedience scale

Chapter 12
74 Sustainable visions
75 Abandoned?

Chapter 13
76 An environment for the Holy Spirit
77 Confirmation of the call
78 Who is the sender?
79 Spiritual authority
80 Please speak!
81 To speak, talk and converse...
82 Resistance

Chapter 14
83 Despite of...
84 To see the spark of faith
85 A total depence on the Holy Spirit - even in organizational matters

Chapter 15
86 The guidance of the Holy Spirit in doctrinal matters

Chapter 16
87 Fanaticism and pragmatism
88 Paradoxes 1
89 Paradoxes 2

Chapter 17
90 The ideal and the reality
91 Who? What? Where?

Chapter 18
92 Who are God's people?
93 "A Gospel according Hairfair?"
94 The Spirit and the word

Chapter 19
95 Have you checked the battery?

Chapter 20
96 He knew, and yet he went

Chapter 21 
97 To settle with the will of the Lord

Chapter 23
98 The resurrection is dynamite

 Chapter 27 
99 Paul and spiritual authority
100 Spiritual authority will encourage and build courage
101 Spiritual authority is explicit
102 Spiritual authority focuses on the task
103 Spiritual authority is about being an example
 Chapter 28
104 To the end of the story? 

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