Saturday 2 November 2019

Which road-signs can I trust?

I took this picture three years ago in South Africa. I trusted it, even though it was placed upside down – after all I was ‘down-under’.

When I have started the journey towards life in Jesus Christ, there are road-signs along the way. I have already shared the signs given us in the nature and the conscience. The challenge is that these signs can lead to any kind of religious expressions, therefore it is important to look for trust-worthy signs that lead to Jesus. This is why I claim that not only the way, but also the ‘truth’ comes before life. Jesus was very clear about the truth:
Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.
John 17:17
In practical terms this is the proclamation of the Biblical message of salvation in and through Jesus. This is the role of the church = His disciples. We may still use the arguments found in the nature and the conscience and any other argument that support the truth of the Word, however the best way to communicate the message, is through the Word becoming flesh over and over again. This can happen through you and me every day:

William Booth wrote the following with reference to a revised translation of the Bible:
Christian scholars have translated it (the Bible) and re-translated it, and then translated it again. They have commented and printed and published it in every form, and it is hurrying on to encompass the world with its revelations in every tongue. They have explained and preached about almost every word within its covers.
There seems to be only one thing left to be done with it, and that is to give us a literal and faithful and understandable translation of it in practice. Let us live it; live the real things - live the Christ-life. Such a translation, my comrades, will tell. It will be victorious. It will be triumphant. (1)
God gave me grace to start the search for life, and by his saving grace he accepted me into the new life in Jesus Christ. Therefore, by the same grace, I will present the word of truth in the world today.

‘Manna’ for today:
We will go forth in grace alone (2)
(1) William Booth: 'The Revised Bible' - The War Cry, May 10, 1885. Link to the whole article in English.
(2) Link to the song in English

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